Technologies that you must know about in 2019-Part II

Technologies that you must know about in 2019-Part II

Taking the baton from where we had left in the last post, we are updating you on the next 5 technologies that you must know about in 2019. As a generation, we are outdoing ourselves when it comes to innovation and creativity. Every day we get up to new technology, a new app or a new device that is changing the primitive ways of doing things.

Since it’s a New Year and there should be no cap on knowledge, we have added one more technology on the list.

The following technologies have been curated on their importance in the present times and the impact they will have in the times to come.

  1. Robotic Process Automation: If you notice really hard, the reality is catching up fast with the science fiction movies. Recently a robot was given the citizenship of a country. RPA is a software robot that mimics human actions. It uses Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to perform high-volume, repetitive tasks that a typical human performs. Most businesses rely on technology for the sole purpose of automation and this outlines the core scope of RPA. Organizations can leverage quick-to-deploy, cost-efficient tools to infuse efficiency and intelligence to their processes- thereby significantly impacting their profits and revenue.


  1. Data Sciences: Data Sciences are similar to Data Mining in terms of using algorithms and systems to extract knowledge from raw data. In order to understand the actual phenomena, it uses machine learning and other related methods. In simple terms, data science processes data in creative ways to generate business value. It runs parallel with predictive analysis and follows a lifecycle. Data Sciences find quality absorption in healthcare and medical sciences.


  1. Cyber Security: Cyber Security systems protect devices, networks, and data from cyber-attacks. The security threats in the digital world are very easily injectable from multiple sources. The constant evolution of these risks has only aggravated the problem. Cyber Security systems counter the legit threats through innovation and technological developments of recent times.


  1. Internet-of-Things: What you know as Siri, Alexa or Cortana is in fact Internet-of-Things. IoT has simply enabled the transfer of data over the network without any human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. IoT matters because when something is connected to the internet, it can send information or receive information. IoT is thus a lifeline for the data-driven world.


  1. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Fondly collectively known as the ‘Head-set experience, AR & VR technology immerses you in a 360-degree virtual worldview. The gaming world has accepted and promoted both these technologies to the best of their scope and has leverage growth from the same. Though they have been in the business for some time, they are yet to maximize their potential in all business sectors in the coming years.


  1. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV): Popularly known as Drone Technology, UAVs are unmanned aircraft that are remotely controlled by an operator. These airborne systems are used widely in Defence and Weather departments. Mapping of landslide areas and assessment of crop damage are some ground-breaking applications of UAV. Though its significance is rapidly expanding to recreational and commercial uses too.

The above-mentioned technologies are changing the ways businesses emerge, run and succeed. The New Year brings new energies and new information that we should imbibe quickly.

To know more, write to us in comments.

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